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If you haven't figured it out by now...this is my temporary home. http// is under MAJOR reconstruction. So hopefully it will be back soon, I'll keep you posted:
I have seriously neglected my blog...I'm surprised I remembered how to log-in. I can say the events of the past month and some change will definitely require an entire section in my autobiography. Hell it might even get its on separate volume if I could remember most of it...All one entire blur. A straight adrenaline rush...A climax...And well you know what happens after a climax.
So I'm here still left with unanswered questions...Some I don't wish to know the answers to. I know that I have learned a great deal about myself in this short period...Like participating in a strong man competition learning that towing 3 buses with your teeth is your limit. I was taught lessons that I will forever be in debt for being privy to them.
Life has its strange way about it...Like see something...Smelling something that is familiar to a memory deep in your mind. Only to see that it was a message wrapped in a package it knew you would open. A message you avoided like a bill collector...But the collector was on your front door step. Now that the realization has set in...What next?
I never thought in a million years that I would ever experience something in my life that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. Yet I have, while I was on this joy ride knowing reality's brick wall is a half mile ahead...And I have no concept of brakes. I ask myself why at this point in my life do I experience this great thing to only know that it can be taken away at any moment. Why did I hide from the truth that wasn't hiding from me?
Was this past month just a wake up call of some sorts? Was it a preview of great things to come...Only if I conquer my fears? Was it the answer to some deep subconscious inquiry about the purpose of my life...Better yet...My fate? I know this for a fact, what ever religion you may or may not practice...There is a higher power at hand and it works in mysterious ways. It sends signs all the time until it finds the right one you pay attention to. Luckily for me I was paying attention this particular cycle in my life.
PS-Did you miss me?
i have been away for way toooooo long! i miss you man!
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