Friday, August 13, 2004


Today's post is about a few things that make me say...WTF!!!!!!!

1. The Governor of my home state (New Jersey) annouces that he's gay and had an affair with another guy. WTF
2. Is it me or is it that all the cute girls in the NYC Metro Area are either taken or crazy. WTF
3. Why is that people on the job wait until 2 days before you go on vacation to drop shit in your lap. WTF
4. How does taking down one's liecence and plate number prevent a terrorist attack. WTF
5. Is it me or is it taking too long for Season 3 of Chappelle Show to start...or is it that there is nothing else on. WTF
6. Why is it when I get stuck in traffic is when I have to take a piss? WTF
7. Reality TV. WTF
8. Drunk ass mofos that hang around gas stations. WTF
9. Traffic backed up in the E-Pass Lane. WTF
10. Sprite Remix...don't they know that there is only one true remix that was hot...Senario Remix, son. WTF
11. Starbucks coffee. WTF
12. People who manage to wet...scratch that, drown the counter tops in public bathrooms...and the mirrors too. WTF
13. Bush or Kerry? WTF
14. Coke C2 or Pepsi Edge? WTF
15. Why is it when you want to hear your favorite cd the most...can't find it? WTF
15a. When you do find it...the shit skips. WTF


Blogger muffins gone WILD! said...

okay...everybody in unison...... *W......T.....F!!!!!!* man i am glad you are going on vacation cuz your job is turning you into a monster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2:48 PM  
Blogger muffins gone WILD! said...

you gonna make some new posts or WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhh!

4:54 PM  

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