Wednesday, March 16, 2005

[Enter Stage Left]

hi·a·tus ( P ) Pronunciation Key (h-ts)n. pl. hi·a·tus·es or hiatus
1. A gap or interruption in space, time, or continuity; a break: “We are likely to be disconcerted by... hiatuses of thought” (Edmund Wilson).

Damn...damn is all I can say about not keeping this site up to date. Haven't been in the writing mood lately...not even close (All I wanted to do is write my name in cursive on the back of a check). Yet with recent developments external and internal...I got whole lotta shit to say.

Let's start from the top [Que the spotlight]:


1. 50 Cent and The Game beef and ensuing shootout: Sounds like the perfect marketing tool...bringing the lyrics to life (A free sample of the the listening stations @ FYE but on UPN 9 and Hot 97 or an annoying ass street team on South Street in the Illadelphia on a hot ass July Day during "Unity Day"). If you purchased any of their cd' you feel suckered...shit I would if I was you after the tongue cheek action at the cease fire/peace offering @ the Harlem Boys Choir. Judging by the images they protray (I'm not a hater...but phuck it we all are haters to an extent...I'll admit) Choir boys are the last thing that comes to mind...WTF!!!

2. Lil Kim being dimed out: This can be wrapped up pretty easy...WTF did you expect!

3. MJ: Whether you think he did it or not...let's explore some noticable things that stand out: A. I personally would not allow my child (If I had one) to attend Never Never Land without my supervision...I like roller coasters...I want to see the lamas...I want to ride the ferris wheel, why should my child have all the damn fun.
B. Ain't no way in hell my child is sleeping in the same house as someone accused of molestation...that shit ain't happening, no phucking way. Makes me wonder if he's covering up the big ass "Pay Day" enscribed on his forehead with bleaching cream.
C. Jesus Juice???...Jesus Juice??? [Shaking Head] WTF

4. Brian Nichols: All around there are problems with this situation...too many to even to begin to explain...I think what he gets is what he gets...but I have some issues:
A. How in the hell did he have police looking for a car across 5 states that was across the street?
B. Why didn't they ever go to the video tape of the parking garage?
C. If you were being held hostage...and your hostage taker says [Paraphrasing] "I need to dump this truck...follow me in your car to a drop spot, and give me a lift back to your place, would you make a left when he made a right? Or would you run his ass over when he got out the truck? Would you forget to tell him you need to take your car in for the 50,000 mile maintenance as your odometer is turning 100,000. And the brakes are kinda loose?
[Side Note]: Condolences to all victims and familes involved.

5. Star and Bucwild's newly and welcomed maturation: Best thing to hit (Again) NYC (and syndicated) air waves. No one wonder they're shooting in front of Hot 97 (Again)...they just got the lastest ratings. Everyone didn't get the Tsunami song joke...We know Jin didn't.

6. Conspiracy Theory 101: I know this is nothing close to anything else I usually ramble about...but I think that as I get older I feel a need to broaden ones mind...including my own. I don't know if anyone is paying attention (Or really gives a fuck about) the current situation in Lebanon. Do you find it odd that a country that is occupied by ones enemy (Syria has been mentioned as one of many countries that is "pro terror" by W.) for a number of years now is being forced out by a domino effect, when a former leader is assinated, driving the people (mainly students) to the streets in sudden protest of its oppressor. I'll leave at that...

7. The recent mandate in the UK on Dance Hall and Reggae Music: Is it me, or up until a few years ago very few Euporeans knew what the lyrics in the song were about?
Is it me, or does this look like the Colonist coming back to quote, unquote put someone in check? Is it me, everytime someone stands on the soapbox for a cause they compare themselves to the civil rights activist of the 60's...not truly grasping the fact that civil rights has been on the table since the first ship landed on the West Coast of Africa. I'll once again leave it @ that...

Internal [Dim that bright ass light]

1. What the fuck were they thinking when they built a train station in the middle of a swamp...on the side of a major highway with no exit ramp...on top of a burial ground...NJ Transit was thinking...a way to charge an extra $80 a month, so you can walk 200 feet to your connecting train...but wait...don't lose your ticket cause your ass will be stuck on the otherside of what looks like bulletproof that the employees can laugh at your ass as you pay for another ticket just get out.

2. Soul Searching Complete [Results]: Shit I'm still me damn it, that was a waste of time...I thought I would find out that I was some ancient pharohe trapped in a world that doesn't recognize royality when it sees it.

3. Bumper Cars Wars A New Reality TV Show: First Round...Honda Accord vs. A Non-Descript NJ Transit Bus...the winner is...shit do you really need to watch. Hell I was there and I knew who won soon as the bell rung. Yes, another accident...see I'm suppose to be driven around in a stretch Hummer while reading my morning paper, watching the news on a plasma screen...Second Round...Me vs. Insurance Company Employee with finger over the delete key that will drop my policy. Stay Tuned.

4. Radio Appearance: (Radio Ruckus) I once again got the chance to get on the radio and show my ass...well not really but I did rock the mic from off the the non-belief of radio hosts who were trying to get me off the air so they can start their show. Ain't my fault they were late. Shit nobody was outside being shot after beefing with a label mate in a mere attempt to sell more crack (eh), cds...what's the big deal.

I'm tired of typing now...I'll be back in a few days

[Exit Stage Right]


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