Thursday, June 16, 2005

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait...

Today marked day 4 of waiting for my Blackberry 7200g and headset to come of off back order. Patiently I have been waiting for my new tool (toy) to arrive so I can get cracking on re-orginization of time...not to mention stay in touch with the 9 to 5 which is increasingly being filled with comments like "Didn't you get my e-mail". And it's usually followed by "'s only 9:01. My Windows PC must of been out late last night and is suffering from a hangover. It appears to be sensitive to light at this point, therefore it is taking longer than its usual 10 minutes to turn on". 9 times out of 10, the person (my manager, who maybe supplementing certain lacking abilities by arriving to work at 7 AM and proceeding to send me emails that I won't see for 2 hours and 10 minutes) sent the email long before my arrival. I made a concious effort in requesting a company issued Blackberry...with was encountered by an emphatic No (No is never the final answer to me, just a step closer to a yes)

So where did that leave me...well maybe you should get a little more background on the subject. A few months ago I recieved a promotion with my current employer. The new position in laymens terms, has made me the official Project Manager for my department. As most project managers are...I've become the central point of paperwork hell. Every project requires at least 5 to 10 page write up on what you want to do...that's even before approval...then there are RFPs...Proposals...SOWs...Diagrams...Spreadsheets...and most importantly...needless yet unavoidable and still needed emails. And all that before the actual plan is even written. Now currently I have 10 projects running. (Not to mention the regular things that I have to take care of in the office) I'm getting closer to 30 and I will embrace it with open arms...but my memory isn't as sharp as it was a meer 5 years it is very easy to forget, overlook a meeting because finally at 2:30 I manage to sneak away for lunch. So you can imagine...the shit is tough. A few weeks ago I made mention of this to my manager...his, because he was turned down for one...therefore so would I (He was turned down due to the adfore mentioned possiblity of supplementing lacking abilities...he don't do shit. Also it seems that the VP, who makes the decision has a professional dislike of should see my manager getting yelled at...shit...). Basically this was phase one of hating on the kid.

Phase two went like this: Another manager in my immediate group, noticed that I was not possesion of a Blackberry and wondered why...she handles the purchacing of the devices. I explained to her my manager's response to my request. She laughed...and called my manager a big baby because he didn't want me to have what he didn't. (Wouldn't be the first time either). She asked me to send her an email stating my justification of the device. (Ex: I was in Tulsa, OK...yes Tulsa. Working on a manager was fully aware of my physical whereabouts...he was aware that my access to email would be limited due to that fact that I was there to shutdown the office...why was he emailing me critical information for the project without letting me know. Then a day later asking me did I get the emails that were sent...hmmm...NO MOTHERF**KER!!!) You know I love to stir up controversey, especially when someone is underestimating my skill and desire to get something or something basically the email was straight heat...there was no way I wouldn't recieve approval...WRONG!!!! The email made it to my manager's inbox, by way of the VP asking him why isn't doing his job (Nothing new there) by delegating the request for devices via another manager. Supposely my manager was asked by the VP do I need the Blackberry...he said without any hesitation or even the concideration of a (Notice the trend here). Then he runs over to manager who asked me to officially relay my request and said that I have no business need for it (Please review this entire entry and tell me if there is a need or not, cause he lost me there). Then he went a step forward and proceeded as he normally does on a constant without any break to properly fix his jaw...puts his foot in his mouth by saying get this (I laugh now...then I had to by coxed not to go toe to toe with his ass before I even had my coffee), "I can't prove it, but he wants it because he has something going on the side". BLAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He must think I'm a complete blithering, bumbling, two steps from a vegatated state type of an idiot. Why in the hell would I have something going on and use corporate email to carry it out...hmmm...could it be cause he is doing it (Another story). He knows what my salary is, I'm not rich...but I'm not broke either, especially after invoking my new budget...I don't have to rub the ATM anymore and hope some money comes out, and now I can actually look at the recepit when its printed. I mean really...maybe there is a little All Black people use company items for personal use...wouldn't surprise me coming from him...him the one who constantly throws out the fact that his wife is Dominican...and always addresses his "black" friends as My Black Friend... Now before you all begin The March on Jersey...yes he is that don't mind him...I don't for the most part.

After hearing how he attempted to pull the wind from my sails...I called up good ole Cingular. For those who don't know...Cingular has been noted for its poor customer service...and the some of the time when you know more than they do about services/plans/equipment. Anyway I decided that I was going to purchase the phone on my own...and yes use it for my personal use...cause I got business to take care of (Watch for updates). The first person I spoke to was very plesant and seemed knowledgeable of the Blackberry and was able to answer my questions...then she reminded me an ass wipping I was suppose to serve a few months ago...when I chaged my number almost a year ago at a local store I was told that the old acct would be closed out cleanly and no early termination fee would be applied...remember what I said about Cingular...Months later I recieved a Collection Notice (Don't act like you don't know what that is) on my old account for the early term...Summabitch. My first notion was to go down to the store and roll on this cat for the dough...cause I would of just kept the old number. Anyway, so I was told I can't get another line because of this...basically I was guessed Yet I can pay the old acct off. I did so...and payed my current phone bill as I didn't owe the bastards shit. I called back.. then went through the process again...armmed with confirmation now what do you got to say...they said yes (Finally, a yes)...but they would need a $300 I had to really think about I told a very adult manner...just wait until payday.

Well I couldn't wait that long...I called back a few days later to see if there was any change, if not I was going to bite the bullet and drop the 3 bill deposit for the second line. This time I spoke with probably one of the most honest customer care professional every...when she didn't know the answer...she sadi she didn't know...of course ther first time she said that...I busted out laughing...and told her honesty is all too welcomed. I explained to her all that I had went to just to get to the point I was at on the phone with...she was cracking the hell up when she got response from the Credit Dept...they wanted me to put up a $500 Deposit now...WTF...She said the same. Then she read the note attached...I have no account with Cingular...We both crack the fu*k up...I told her if that's the case, Cingular owes me a shit load of money. So she jumped on the phone with the Credit Dept...I don't what she said...but all I know is when she came back on the deposit was dropped to $0. Then she mentioned that she was 8 mos. pregnant and not feeling well. And it was hotter dem a mofo...I'm pretty sure they caught the fury...damn I wish I could of heard the conversation.

Now...after all that reading you just Blackberry is still not here as its on backorder...but I can wait, cause that shit took some doing. So it must be worth it. Plus I was able to save $70 on top of all that

BTW: To Muffin...I'll be able to blog from it, so there will be more than a once-a-month post. *SLAM BACK...from off the top turnbuckle* LMAO


Blogger muffins gone WILD! said...

how you gon SLAM me back? *rolling eyes* and if you keep talkin bout that blackberry, i'ma blackberry you!

man your workplace sounds like when i was at lucent. good lord, all those unnecessary emails and correspondence! man you got your hands full as the new PM huh!

3:36 PM  

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