I'm Baaaack!!!!
I know I have been gone for forever, but I gotten tired of these silly ass people who think that I or you (the real readers of this blog that is a mere shell of its former self)actually still believe that "Microsoft", "Taco Bell", "Old Navy", etc. will give them money. If that crap didn't work 5 years ago...why should it work now. Are you getting paid to post that dumb s*it on blog sites. I sure hope so. But anyway, I'm just poking my head in, just to see if anybody is still here. (Besides the suckas sending me junk mail/comments). If there any souls remaining, how about we do something fun for a change (Oppose to clicking on websites in hopes to get a Gas Card worth $500...now ya'll know damn well Mr. W isn't giving out any free gas), push a pin on the map and let me know where you represent. That's all...nothing more. No ploy to eventually fill up your email inbox with 2000 pieces of junk mail per day. Besides you can always visit me on MySpace for that.
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